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Cultivate Growth Partners


“During her tenure as RVi’s Director of Marketing, Katie developed and led an wonderfully thoughtful and successful rebrand program for the firm. She engaged management and all of our employees in an extensive development process and built lasting support and excitement for the project.

She integrated our new branding not only into our marketing materials, but also throughout our corporate culture. The result: the whole program – our logo, our messaging, our marketing collateral – is immediately noticed and admired by everyone who receives it. It’s a real testament to Katie’s strategic capabilities!”

Mark Smith, PLA
Managing Principal

RVi Planning + Landscape Architecture

Project Overview

A 34-year old landscape architecture firm embarked on a rebrand after significant organizational change, including the retirement of the firm’s founding principal, the elevation of new leadership, and the acquisition of a competitor that nearly doubled the firm’s size. With an eye towards significant future growth, the firm sought a refreshed identity that would provide a solid foundation for a national presence.

Taking a cue from some of the strongest brands in existence, we developed a Purpose Statement that articulated the firm’s “why:”

Our purpose is to inspire people to be outside and engage in the community around them.

The Purpose Statement served as a starting point from which many deliverables evolved, including a new logo, updated website, marketing materials, launch campaign, employee engagement practices, volunteer activities, and strategic marketing investments.

Special thanks to Jesus Felix (logo design) and Lee Pilz (client survey & branding consultant)

Rebrand Deliverables

  • Rebrand Implementation Timeline
  • Client Survey
  • Purpose Statement Development
  • Key Brand Personality Traits
  • New Logo and Color Palette
  • Tagline Development
  • Employee Engagement and Education
  • Website and Social Media Site Refresh
  • Internal Intranet Refresh
  • Marketing Collateral
  • Branded Promotional Items
  • Project Titleblocks
  • Launch Campaign
  • Employee Onboarding Refresh
  • Integration into Marketing Plan
  • Community Involvement Opportunities
  • Subsequent Social Media Campaigns

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